Not 1 or 2...but 6...that's how many "second chances" an Amherst woman has received. Now she's headed to prison for the next 1-3 years. The judge in the case called her "a DWI fatality waiting to happen" Here's a
link to The Buffalo News article. After reading it, I agree with the judge.
Before I go on with this blog, why did I say six "second chances"? Because every time someone drives drunk, they are taking lives in their hands. I look at the DWI arrest as a "second chance" because no one was hurt or killed. Sure it costs money - fines, court fees, insurance goes up, etc. but no one was seriously hurt or maimed in the crash.
Deborah Mitchum, a 44 year old restaurant manager, received the sentence earlier this week after she was charged with her sixth DWI in nine years. She was also fined more than $1,800. It boggles my mind how someone can be so irresponsible. She really is a threat to everyone on the roads, because she hasn't learned her lesson...and keeps doing it over and over again.
Mitchum's attorney wanted her to go to counseling and spend weekends in jail. I'm glad the judge didn't give her that "slap on the wrist". In court, she claimed "she's too old for this now", yes Deborah, you are.
And you've been given a second chance that you can think about in jail.