Sunday, January 17, 2010

Leandra's Law: DWI With Kids in the Car

A new law was passed in late 2009 which reinforces the concept that not only should drivers not be driving while intoxicated, but they also should not be driving while intoxicated with kids in the car.

It's called Leandra's Law, named after a young girl in Long Island who died tragically and senselessly in a DWI crash. It elevates a DWI charge to a class E felony when children 15 and younger are in the car.

Obviously there was a need for the law. In less than a month, three Western New Yorkers have already been charged with felonies under this law. The most recent was a Buffalo mother traveling with her 15 year old son in Colden who was charged this weekend. Last week, an Angola mother had her 3-year old child in the car with her when she was charged. Hypodermic needles were found in the child's coloring book. She probably won't be nominated for "Mother of the Year" anytime soon.

It seems like a basic concept to me, why would you endanger you, let alone your children after having one too many?

Good to see that local officers are enforcing this new law, and hopefully it's stopping irresponsible parents before it's too late.

Until next time,
