Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kids Call Cops on Drunk Parents

It's a story that has me shaking my head in really are amazing. Even when their parents make stupid decisions, the youngest of children make the smart choices.

Check out this video and you'll see what I mean.

So what should happen to the drunk mom who tried to force her son to blow into the interlock device? How about public humiliation - like putting her name and picture on a billboard? How about taking her car away from her once and for all? That doesn't stop some people. The drunk driver who killed my sister wasn't even driving his car. Some people should not be driving at all.

Bad choices, it's what costs lives. Lives like my sister.

Kudos to kids and teens who make smart choices and call 911 when they witness their parents drinking and driving. Just goes to prove how kids are sometimes smarter than their moms and dads.


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