Monday, September 5, 2011

Back To School

According to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report, an average of 19 school-age children lose their lives in traffic crashes related to school transportation annually. Here are a few tips to stay safe as school goes back in session.

Red Means Stop...Really. When you see the red flashing lights on a school bus, don't be tempted to sneak past. Stop and stay stopped until the lights no longer flash or until otherwise signaled by the school bus driver.

Slow Down Near Schools. Remember to slow down in accordance with the reduced speed limits in school zones. Watch for designated crosswalks and children who may not be paying attention.

Stay Back, Don't Pass. It is illegal to pass on the right side of a bus. With many different stops on a bus route, remember to be alert when children are loading and unloading the bus.

Stay Alert. Children are unpredictable. Near a bus or in a school zone, you never know when they'll run into the street unaware of drivers.

Drive Safely!

Until next time...Deanna

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