Sunday, March 16, 2008

Celebrating St. Paddy's Day & Staying Safe

It's one of the first things people think about when they think of St. Patrick's Day celebrations - drinking a beer. After all, it's an Irish custom to have a drink when you party.

Personally, I'm not against drinking, whether you're celebrating St. Patrick's Day or any other special occasion. It's when you combine that one, two, three or more beers with a vehicle that I have a problem. My sister Karen was an innocent victim of someone who did just that, someone who drank alcohol and drove home and slammed into the car she was riding in at 55 MPH. Karen was killed almost instantly. Too many innocent lives are taken each day by people who don't think before they drink and drive.
There are ways to wear green, celebrate "St. Paddy's Day", and stay safe this holiday. Think before you drink. Call a cab, designate a driver (who won't drink with his friends) to make sure everyone gets home safe, or even call a friend if you know that you're too buzzed to drive.
Have a safe and happy St. Patrick's Day, and think first before you drink. Make the right choice and don't drink and drive.

Please stay safe this

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