Thursday, April 17, 2008

Celebrities Busted

I actually have two blogs that I try to regularly maintain. One on this site and another on

Click here to read my blog on Carmelo Anthony and Richie Sambora being arrested on drunk driving charges. I welcome all comments.



Anonymous said...

Hey Deanna, I couldn't "officially" comment on the Hub since it's not ESNY business... but I saw on the news today that one of the children in the Ritchie Sambora bust was his 10 year old daughter! AND... he pled out his case, so perhaps no child endangerment charges after all.

*For shame!!!*

I think the next court date is in about 2 weeks... can't remember where I saw it originally but I did a quickie search and did find the part about his daughter backed up by

Keep up the good fight -- Katherine

Deanna said...

Thanks for the comment Katherine. That is sad that Sambora was allegedly driving drunk with his 10 year old daughter in the car. I'll follow the case.