Sunday, May 18, 2008

Reaching Out To Teens

Donn Esmonde's column on my presentation was published in this morning's Buffalo News. It was very well-written and makes a very good point about the need to educate young people about the dangers of drinking and driving.

I have spoken at six high schools so far this spring, and have at least five scheduled in the upcoming weeks. I know that I can't reach all the teens in each assembly or classroom, but if I impact just one or a few and make them think twice about the dangers of drinking and driving, then I can say mission accomplished.

One of my major obstacles is the high price of gas these days. Alden Central High School and Pioneer Central High School are both more than 30 miles away from my home. If you'd like to donate to Crusade Against Impaired Driving, and help, click on the PayPal icon on this website, or send donations to P.O. Box 21, Lake View, NY 14085.

Thanks again and here's hoping for a safe and sober prom and graduation season,



Anonymous said...

You spoke at my high school just yesterday and I thought every word you said was moving. Your story, and how you kept saying that things would never be the same and its still a daily issue, just makes your story even more moving. I saw that the whole presentation you were shaking uncontrollably. I want you to know that I spoke with a few people about that class and people said that you changed their minds about how they should handle prom and that they should be smart...about getting desgnated drivers and driving careful as well. You definatley did not go up there and pour your heart out for being a sophomore in highschool, i will remember you always and your expirience, and know that my desicions can effect so many other people besides me. I'm a compassionate person and I hate even thinking that I've hurt someone. I really want to express how greatful I am that you spoke to us.


Deanna said...

Hi Amanda,

Thank you very much for your listening. I appreciate your feedback. There are many times when I don't know who's listening. Look for your comment to be featured in my next blog.