Friday, May 30, 2008

Talking to Teens and Feedback!

Since mid-April, I have spoken at several schools. There were assemblies at the Gow School, Alden Central, Pioneer Central and Eden Central. Yesterday and today I spoke at five health classes at JFK High School. Sometimes teens ask questions and come up to talk to me afterwards telling me their personal stories, or how something I said impacted them. There are many other times when I don't get the feedback, and I'm left wondering if what I said made a difference.

Today after the final of five health class presentations at JFK, a young lady said to me "Just wanted you to know that what you said touched me". I gave her a hug, and I thought it made the emotional outpouring worth it. Then just a couple hours ago, this comment was posted on my last blog:

You spoke at my high school just yesterday and I thought every word you said was moving. Your story, and how you kept saying that things would never be the same and its still a daily issue, just makes your story even more moving. I saw that the whole presentation you were shaking uncontrollably. I want you to know that I spoke with a few people about that class and people said that you changed their minds about how they should handle prom and that they should be smart...about getting desgnated drivers and driving careful as well. You definatley did not go up there and pour your heart out for being a sophomore in highschool, i will remember you always and your expirience, and know that my desicions can effect so many other people besides me. I'm a compassionate person and I hate even thinking that I've hurt someone. I really want to express how greatful I am that you spoke to us.


Thank you Amanda, thanks for listening, thanks for taking the time to post this comment, and thanks for hopefully thinking twice when it comes to drinking and driving.


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